How to update

Instructions on how to update our bots

Plex Tickets:

  1. Make a backup of your config.yml file and commands.yml file

  2. Download the new update

  3. Replace all existing files with the new ones you just downloaded, except the data folder

  4. Open your old config.yml file in a text editor, and your new config.yml in another text editor, and then manually copy all your configuration to your new config.yml file

  5. You may have to run the npm install command before starting the bot again.

Plex Bot:

  1. Make a backup of your config.yml file and lang.yml file

  2. Download the new update

  3. Replace all existing files with the new ones you just downloaded, except the data folder

  4. Open your old config.yml file in a text editor, and your new config.yml in another text editor, and then manually copy all your configuration to your new config.yml file, And then do the same for the lang.yml file

  5. You may have to run the npm install command before starting the bot again.

Never delete the data folder when updating, unless you want to reset all data, which may cause issues/errors if you don't manually delete tickets, suggestions, etc..

Last updated